American Promise Screening
On October 20, 2013 the Marketplace held their first "movie night". American Promise is a documentary film spanning 13 years from directors Joe Brewster and Michèle Stephenson. The film captures the stories of Brewster and Stephenson's 5-year-old son Idris and his best friend and classmate Seun as these families navigate their way through the rigorous prep-school process. The film is set against the backdrop of a persistent educational achievement gap that dramatically affects African-American boys at all socioeconomic levels across the country.
Voting Is Power Week - September 23 - 29, 2012
The brothers of Malik Fraternity Inc. and the NAACP are asking 1000 colleges and universities across this country to join together and conduct a massive Voter's Registration Drive on their campuses from September 23, 2012 through September 29, 2012. This will be another stance for unity amongst all college organizations (Fraternities, Sororities, APO, HOLA, Student Goverment, Professors, Club's etc.).
Please submit pictures of the V.I.P registrations drives on your campus. They will be posted on this website. Remember this is not an endorsement of any candidate, it is an acknowledgement of the power that we have when we're registered to vote. GET YOUR CAMPUS REGISTERED AND JOIN THE V.I.P TEAM!
Please submit pictures of the V.I.P registrations drives on your campus. They will be posted on this website. Remember this is not an endorsement of any candidate, it is an acknowledgement of the power that we have when we're registered to vote. GET YOUR CAMPUS REGISTERED AND JOIN THE V.I.P TEAM!
You Too Can Go To College Fair-May 9, 2012 - Sponsored by MALIK Fraternity, Inc.
The MALIK Fraternity, Inc is sponsoring our first college fair at Elementary School PS46 in Harlem, NY on Wednesday May 9, 2012 6:00pm - 9:00pm. We are paying it forward. We need your help and support. Bring your kids, teenagers, and adults who are interested in going to college. We will have over 40 college admissions representatives to help you find your way to the school best suited for you.
This is for the entire family. Special guests to be announced. CALL YOUR HIGH SCHOOLS, COLLEGES AND FRIENDS AND SPREAD THE WORD. WE HAVE TO GIVE BACK!!!
Click here to visit the Y.T.C.G.T.C website
1000 Campus Vigil for Trayvon Martin, April 4, 2012
The campaign was started by ther Brothers of the MALIK Fraternity, Inc.
"We the brothers of the MALIK Fraternity, Inc. are taking a stand against discrimination, bigotry, violence and injustice. We are demanding justice for Trayvon Martin and others who fell victims to the evil acts of racists, bigots and discrimination. Please join us as we hold a 1000 Campus Vigil to protest the cruel and heartless acts of those who prey on the innocent. Organize, unite and resist and act—this is not a color thing, this is a human thing. We must unite across America across racial, religious, gender and cultural barriers and support the right to live in peace."