![]() I'm outraged. When I'm told there is not a racial distrust of President Obama. When I'm told we live in a post racial society and there's no longer a need for Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act. When I told Affirmative Action has run it's course and it's time for us to move on. When I'm told there is no organized voter suppression plan. When I have to read about this: On Monday, first lady Michelle Obama had a question and answer session on Twitter focused on her campaign for healthy kids. On Tuesday the Daily Kos published an article documenting some of the remarks that were posted under the hashtag #AskFLOTUS. ![]() These comments are absolutely unacceptable. How am I to believe that racism doesn't exist in America any more? As far as I can recollect no other president or politician has ever been subject to this level of abuse and disrespect. Never has the president's family been open game. How can we as a nation not be as outraged about this as I am? These comments are the tip of the iceberg. I strongly suggest that you go to the website and check it out. If you want more proof you can do as I did, go to twitter and see for yourself. Words cannot convey how I feel about this. Outrage is the closest thing that I can come up with. This is why we can't get anything done in Washington. There are politicians that were elected by these people. Instead of being concerned with doing what's right they're concerned about being re-elected. It's starts now, let's get this thing done......
EditorErnest R. Heyward is the Founder and President of the Marketplace for Social Awareness and Social Responsibility Inc. Categories
June 2020