By Christianne Taylor I just have to say that I've been seeing a lot of mostly funny posts in my home feed beating up on my fellow social conservatives and some less funny posts mocking or making fun of my fellow believers. ATTENTION HARDCORE LIBERALS: You may not realize this, but the majority of the people who voted for Barack Obama in 2008 and 2012 believe in God, and a healthy percentage of them are actually socially conservative moderates. Not all, but a lot. The majority of people who put Obama over the top are not hardcore anything. They're not hardcore liberals, they're not hardcore conservatives, they're not hardcore libertarians. If they're hardcore anything, they're hardcore moderates, hardcore independents and hardcore centrists. So you need to be careful not to alienate us because quite a few of us campaigned hard as hell for Obama-- much harder than some of you. Not because we think we own Obama more than you, not because we agree with you on everything, not because we have abandoned our values and what we believe. Rather because we see the goodness, beauty, strength, power and greatness in this man. Barack Obama, a once in a lifetime shooting star that we won't likely get to see again after he leaves the national stage, if he leaves the national stage. I hope he doesn't because he has done so many good things for so many hurting people and he will do so much more in the years to come. You are within your rights to do whatever you want of course, I can totally understand making fun of the psycho Faux News AM Radio neo-con tea party cult fanatics dominating today's GOP. I do it also because they piss me off too much.
However you need to also recognize and respect your own party leader's main goal, theme and message which is that: WE ARE FAMILY. WE ARE ONE. WE ARE UNITY THROUGH DIVERSITY AND HUMANITY. WE ARE REALITY. WE ARE AMERICA. And the beauty of America is that we will never always agree on everything and we shouldn't because its not reality. Only cults agree on everything. We have the freedom to disagree, the right to argue, the openness to have different points of view. In the end, we still love each other, respect each other and have each others backs no matter what, just like a family. The American Family. Families disagree all the time but they still love each other and stick up for each other. That's the coalition that Obama has built. That's the coalition that Obama wants to have, keep and nurture. THE AMERICAN FAMILY COALITION. As Barack Obama said on victory night of his final political campaign: "It doesn't matter whether you're black or white or Hispanic or Asian or Native American or young or old or rich or poor, able, disabled, gay or straight, you can make it here in America if you're willing to try." Read more: He wants us all to have different points of view but to respect each other, love each other and defend each other, even though we don't see eye to eye on everything. I am a socially conservative Republican when it comes to my values, beliefs, lifestyle and foreign policy. So I don't fit in with hardcore Democrats. But I am also a fiscally liberal Democrat when it comes to my economics, community, public service and domestic policy. So I don't fit in with hardcore Republicans either. But I campaigned my ass off for Obama for 4 years straight and I would do it all over again if he asked me to or I felt he needed me to, because I'm a passionately loyal spitfire when I believe in someone or something. I root for a person, not a party, because people are reliable, whereas parties change according to the times and the leaders of them. My point is that we are all just many different cool patches on the awesome quilt that is The United States of America. Thats what makes us so unique to the world. Not our wealth. Not our might. But our diversity. Its stunning. Its beautiful. Its AWESOME. Its The Obama Coalition. Unity through diversity. Obama's Coalition is more diverse than any other coalition in the history of American politics and one day all of America will look like The Obama Coalition. If you start acting like the Republicans and alienating anyone who's not like you just because you share different views than they do, without even bothering to find out why they believe what they believe, you're going to push away some of the very people that got our awesome guy, Barack Obama elected with that hardcore cult mentality, which is the exact opposite of Barack Obama's mentality and vision. He wants us to have diverse points of view, diverse images, diverse backgrounds, and diverse lives. He just wants us to be unified as a family of different entities. And that's beautiful. That's why we love Barack Obama so much. Not just because he himself represents unity through diversity with his profoundly mixed background, but because he brings out the unity-through-diversity in all of us. Yeah, sure, Barack Obama got our ATTENTION and INTEREST when we saw that he was interesting, inspiring, historical, fun, cool, cute and Black...ish lol. ^_^ But he got our LOYALTY, PASSION, COMMITMENT AND TRUST when we saw that he was honest, fair, caring, virtuous, pure-hearted, decent and genuinely GOOD. THAT'S when we fell in love with Obama for LIFE. When we realized how pure and good he was, how much he actually cared about the people, how much he actually cared about US, like we were all family. That is one of the key elements in the magic of Barack Obama. There are a few other interesting people out there, some inspiring, historical, fun, cool, cute and/or Black public servants. But never have we ever experienced a truly unique and special individual like this one who was honest, fair, caring, virtuous, pure-hearted, decent and genuinely GOOD like Barack Obama is in his character, nature and big big heart for America. He genuinely wants us all in his family, and we genuinely want him in ours. Christipher Columbus and the slave masters, their motto was always "DIVIDE AND CONQUER!". Well Barack Obama is the 1st leader of our lifetime who's motto is solidly "UNITE AND CONQUER!". That's incredible, fabulous, and spectacular! So I would just suggest for the purpose of both your own political advantage and our mutual, shared personal growth, that instead of following the GOP's FAILING lead of "DIVIDE AND CONQUER!" that if you support President Barack Obama and America, then follow President Obama's SUCCESSFUL lead of "UNITE AND CONQUER!". Its a beautiful, powerful lead to follow, mission to master, and gift to contribute to this world and legacy to leave for generations to come and follow after us. Its also the best legacy that Barack Obama-- or anyone-- could possibly leave. Because family is at the core of humanity. Without a sense of family, we lack a sense of humanity. Without a sense of humanity, we lack a sense of unity. Without a sense of unity, we lack a sense of connection. Without a sense of connection, we lack a sense of ourselves, our fulfillment, our happiness, our spiritual core, and our own success as a people. We were made to be diverse. But we were also made to be unified. So I hope this motivates or inspires anyone who digests this to choose to be more inclusive of other people who think differently than you, and less exclusive. The number one reason Obama won two awesome elections is because he knew that the secret to success of family, solid coalitions and life itself is to include everyone and alienate no one. Thats not an endorsement of their beliefs or lifestyles or behaviors. Its simply recognizing that we are one, we are connected, we are in this together with shared goals, dreams and struggles, and that we will all be happier, healthier and stronger as a people, both inside and out, if we can just work together and help each other prosper despite our many differences just like a real family. Unity through Diversity. *THAT* is The Obama Coalition. :) |
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